Jordan Charlton is a poet and Ph.D. student at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

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Jordan Charlton teaches in the University of the Nebraska-Lincoln’s Institute for Ethnic Studies, serves as the Nonfiction Editor of Prairie Schooner, and is Program Manager of the Nebraska Writers' Collective's prison writing workshop, Writers'Block.

University Teaching Experience

  • English 150

    [Writing & Inquiry] This is a first-year English composition course that engages students in using writing and rhetorical concepts such as purpose, audience, and context to explore open questions — to pose and investigate problems that are meaningful in their lives and communities.

  • English 151

    [Writing & Argument] This is a first-year English composition course that engages students in the study of written argument: developing an informed and committed stance on a topic, and using writing to share this stance with particular audiences for particular purposes.

  • Ethnic Studies 100

    [Introducton to Ethnic Studies] Introduction to the interdisciplinary study of American Indians, African Americans, Latinas/os, and other racial and ethnic groups in the United States.